January 4 – 18, 2015
Opening Sunday, January 4, 12:00 – 3:00 PM
(December 29, 2014) Gitler &_____ is proud to present What’s Good in The ‘Hood?, a solo exhibition of new works by NYC artist Tom Sanford. For this show Sanford introduces 25 ink portraits and one large-scale oil painting (A Train, 2014) comprising various friends, family members, fellow artists and gallivants who have helped shape the Hamilton Heights neighborhood that Sanford has called home for the last 12 years. Incorporated throughout are dozens of half-subliminal cues in the form of signage, fashions, and novelties that come together to create a distinct love letter to this slice of the City and those who inhabit it.
“As time has passed and life has become more complicated,” says Sanford, “I have, out of karmic necessity, turned to painting what I love … The neighborhood isn’t just where you live anymore, it’s what you live.”
Sanford exaggerates his subjects’ features while stopping just shy of pop surrealism. His portraits are aspirational; he paints what and who he loves, blemishes and all, and reveals in his work what all seasoned New Yorkers know but often forget: we are vulnerable creatures who live in a city that obliges us (some more than others) to become extroverts.
What’s Good in The ‘Hood? will open on Sunday afternoon, January 4, beginning at 3:00 PM. The artist will be present. Artwork images and a map key to A Train are available.
Gitler &_____ is an art gallery dedicated to showcasing rising artists from around the world. Gitler &_____ seeks out talent through chance and word-of-mouth, moving in between genres to identify original craftsmen and visionaries who may not otherwise be brought to market. Formerly a pop-up gallery that held various solo and group shows throughout NYC and beyond, founder Avi Gitler premiered its permanent Harlem location in September 2014. For more info visit
Contact: Elliot Avi Gitler 3629 Broadway NYC 10031 (201) 887-4764